Summer catering events
We have had a busy summer out & about with the trailer, this has varied from private functions, agricultural shows, festivals, events or anywhere where people need good quality food!
The response's from show committees, general public or organiser's has been fantastic and it makes all our hard work worth it.
As the weather has been so kind to us, we have managed to get the Belted Galloway cows and calves out a bit earlier this year. Again, like the sheep they have plenty of grass to eat, the cows are currently grazing on some fields that are monitored for ground nesting birds and this year we seem to have lots of chicks born which is so nice to see as you drive round the fields.
We have had a good lambing this year as the weather has been kind to us, we have lots of grass so the lambs should grow nicely and the Ewes will keep their fitness.
June 2021
Winter 2020-2021
This year we where due our 4 yearly TB Test as we are at a low risk, this is a nervous time for most farmers as we find out if any of the cattle have Tuberculosis. The vets comes to do the test over 2 days. Every farmer has to go through this process as its a national government requirement. On results day the vet gave all the cattle an all clear which means we are Negative for TB.